Randy Johnson is now a professional photographer with an incredible dead bird logo
There are some athletes who have enjoyed a better life in their retirement than Randy Johnson
Truly speaking, photography was Johnson’s first love — he just happened to be really, really, really good at baseball.
Randy studied photojournalism at USC for two years i.e. 1983-85, and the “about” section of his photography website notes that baseball was his occupation, but photography was his passion.
Don’t twisted it, Johnson equally loved the game of baseball too, but he accepts that the fame of being a pro athlete (and the money, naturally) has afforded him opportunities to get
where other photographers have not been and to voyage places that are further the reach of many.
Johnson has, without any doubt, the amazing logo he could ever have for his photography business.
Honestly, anyone would be invidious of the post-baseball life Johnson led as a photographer. A device at NFL games where he expands his sports portfolio, he travels the world to take photos of wildlife in Africa, Asia
When life gives you failure, make lemonade. When you blow a bird with a pitch, make it the logo for your business.