How To Cure Diabetes Without Medicine-21 Best Method

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Do you know as per a study that around 30 million Americans are living with diabetes? India is usually pointed out to as the ‘Diabetes Capital of the World’, as it has about 17% percent of the total number of diabetes victims in the world. There are presently around 80 million people with diabetes in India and this figure is predicted to increase to around 135 million by 2045.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease that happens when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, reaches a high level. Blood glucose is your essential source of energy and obtains from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone prepared by the pancreas, assists glucose from food in getting into your cells to be used for energy. At some points in time, your body doesn’t produce enough or any insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. In such conditions, Glucose then stores in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

Over a period of time, having too much glucose in your blood can face health issues. Although diabetes is not curable, you can follow steps to control your diabetes and stay healthy.

Symptoms And Signs Of Diabetes

Worried that you are seeing some alarming signs of diabetes? If you see any of the symptoms, you must consult a doctor immediately to confirm. And even if you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is crucial for you to understand that this is a common and curable disease. If you control your diabetes perfectly, keep your sugar levels under control, and comply with a diabetic diet, you can lead a healthy life. Looking at How to cure diabetes without medicine, using more naturopathy treatments, home remedies, and Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes- all of these can help you control your diabetes in a more natural way.

Instead of depending on medications, try to follow some healthy lifestyle changes to help control this common disease.

1. Take A Healthy Diet (To Cure Diabetes Without Medicine)

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Focus to eat more whole vegetables fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. Obtain your fats from healthy sources like nuts, avocados, and olive oil. Consume more high-quality proteins from eggs, beans, vegan paneer, and unsweetened yogurt. Your body requires fats, carbs, and proteins to function, therefore ensure you choose the healthiest forms! Avoid refined carbohydrates and packed juices which have hidden sugars. Eat whole fruits instead of drinking juice. Lavways monitor food labels for hidden sugars in the ingredients list.

2. Control Weight

Reducing just five to 10-15 percent of your body weight can help manage your blood sugar, lower your cholesterol level, and reduce your blood pressure. This will help lower the risk of developing complications like heart disease and will keep you healthy.

3. Do Physical Activities And Yoga Regularly

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Exercising, and fast walking 30-45 minutes a day can lower blood sugar levels, reduce insulin resistance, and help in regulating your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. If you can do 60 minutes per day exercising and yoga it can help you lose weight.

It’s more fun to walk, or run when someone is encouraging you! You can also find new and interesting tips to meet and defeat your step goals during the day. Parking farther away, climbing the stairs, and walking after lunch are all great ways to add steps to your fitness tracker.

4. Test your blood sugar Regularly

By checking your blood sugar regularly, you will start to see methods. Start certain physical activities to lower your blood sugar. Will eating certain foods raise it? These methods can help you plan your meals and activities so you can keep your blood sugar levels in control.

A number of complications of diabetes are “silent” and show no symptoms. Regular checkups of blood work to check cholesterol and kidney function will assist your doctor find problems in the early stages.  It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

5. Get Enough Quality Sleep (To Cure Diabetes Without Medicine)

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

You should get at least 6-8 hours of quality sleep per night. Not getting six hours of quality sleep every night can disturb the balance of insulin and blood sugar. If you are not getting good, quality, and restful sleep, try to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods at night. You could also try to keep the low temperature of your bedroom at night. Try to make your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible.

Importantly, fix a sleep routine by going to bed and rising early at the same time every day. If these methods don’t work, talk to your doctor about sleep pause. Most people with Type 2 diabetes have such a condition, and it can be controlled with a CPAP machine at night.

6. Eat a Diabetic Diet (To Cure Diabetes Without Medicine)

A diabetic diet means a diet that includes foods suitable for diabetics. These include foods like low-carb foods, foods with a lower glycemic index, and highly rich-fiber foods. All of these foods ensure that blood sugar levels do not increase. In this, it is also important to keep control of your carb intake. A high carb intake may result in your blood sugar levels rising. Similarly, eating foods like barley, legumes, lentils, seafood, etc., which have a low glycemic index ( how fast a food causes our blood sugar levels to spike )  can help in maintaining lower blood sugar levels. It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

7. Manage Your Stress Levels

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

If you want and are trying to keep your blood sugar levels under control, it is very essential for you to keep your stress levels low and under control. The hormones that are secreted during stress- glucagon and cortisol, result in blood sugar levels shooting up. Physical activities, Yoga, meditation, music, and exercise can help you in keeping stress levels low, and as a result, can help your blood sugar levels to be low. You will be able to cure diabetes without medicine.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Diabetes (Consume Indian Gooseberry ( To Cure Diabetes Without Medicine)

Now we discuss home remedies for diabetes and Type 2 diabetes treatments. Ayurveda has helped many diabetics control their blood sugar levels and avoid the outset of large health complications. Some natural solutions for diabetes which you can try are:

8. Use Bitter Gourd

It is also known as Karela in the Indian subcontinent, bitter gourd has a combo that allows it to lower hyperglycemia or increase blood sugar levels. You can enhance the intake of bitter gourd in your diet by taking it as a cooked vegetable or curry, once a week. You can also take the juice of the raw vegetable every morning on an empty stomach to cure diabetes without medicine

9. Consume Indian Gooseberry

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

It is also called amla, it is highly rich in vitamin C, and is popular to help keep blood glucose levels keep balanced. You can intake raw amla daily, or  1 tablespoon mix of amla juice with one cup of bitter gourd juice and drink it daily. You can also use 2 tablespoons of amla juice with a cup of hot water and drink it every morning on an empty stomach to cure diabetes without medicine.

10. Mango Leaves

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Mango leaves are useful and an effective home remedy to cure and control diabetes. You can dry some tender mango leaves in sun, grind them to convert a fine powder, and consume it with water daily in the morning and evening to cure diabetes without medicine

11. Consume Aloe Vera

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Aloe vera is nice for diabetes. It helps in regulating your blood glucose levels. Additionally, it helps lower diabetes-associated symptoms and further complications. Moreover, people with diabetes can consume aloe vera to improve the wound-healing process, control weight, and lower inflammation. Consumed for its great medicinal properties for centuries, aloe vera is also beneficial to reduce high blood sugar levels in diabetics. Intaking aloe vera daily helps in obtaining better-fasting blood glucose levels, reducing HbA1c levels, and lowering body fat levels. Taking two tablespoons of aloe vera juice daily helps you get all the advantages. It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

12. Fenugreek  (Methi)

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

A very popular and commonly used herb in the Indian kitchen known as methi, it has many advantages improving glucose resistance, reducing blood sugar levels, and arousing the secretion of glucose-dependent insulin. You can take powder of methi seeds with hot or cold water or milk daily. You can soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and intake this water on an empty stomach in the morning, daily; to low down your glucose levels and to cure diabetes without medicine.

13. Consume Drumstick Leaves

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Drumstick or moringa is known for its benefits for many years. The leaves of the drumstick tree are popular for their ability to boost energy and manage blood sugar levels. Drumstick leaves have nutrients that boost insulin secretion in the body, are also known to have anti-inflammatory characteristics, and are rich in antioxidants. You can use these leaves by adding them to a meal, or a salad, or steam them like spinach. Consume drumstick leaves to cure diabetes without medicine.

  • Most studies tell that drumsticks help manage your blood sugar level as they contain insulin-like proteins. 
  • Its leaves contain rich fat-soluble vitamins than carrots, higher iron than spinach,  higher metallic elements than milk and bananas, and higher antioxidants than oranges.
  • Some specialists say that the presence of glycosides—crypto chlorogenic acid and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside in moringa leaves can reduce the effects of diabetes 
  • The moringa family is built of compounds containing easy sugar, rhamnose, and a fairly distinctive cluster of compounds called glucosinolates and chemical frustration.
  • It helps to manage a healthy blood sugar level in your body and helps to grow insulin secretion in the body.

14. Eat Barley and Fiber

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Studies show dietary fiber decelerates the absorption of fat and sugar from food. This avoids blood sugar spikes, which avoids the risk of type-2 diabetes. One of the best sources of dietary fiber is barley, which contains around 6-7 grams of fiber per cup. This not just enhances your blood sugar levels but also lowers inflammation and regulates cholesterol. You can eat barley-based bread or cook it with some vegetables for a delicious meal. It is good to cure diabetes without medicine.

15. Exploring Sunlight

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Many studies have proved that a deficiency of Vitamin D  also leads to insulin resistance and diabetes. Vitamin D plays a vital role in the creation of insulin in the body. Sitting yourself to at least 30-45 minutes of sunlight daily, in the morning, can help you prevent a Vitamin D deficiency. You can also add foods rich in Vitamin D to your daily diet. Some of these are found in soy milk, orange juice, yogurt, cheese, and cereals. It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

16. Cinnamon Water

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Cinnamon may help in supporting blood sugar management by increasing insulin sensitivity, lowering blood sugar levels after eating, and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications. Many studies have shown that cinnamon has a positive impact on not only the blood glucose levels but also the cholesterol levels of people with type-2 diabetes. Taking only one milligram of cinnamon helps in boosting insulin sensitivity. This helps in preventing, controlling, managing, and even reversing type-2 diabetes. Soak a small piece of around 2 inches of cinnamon in a cup of water and drink it on an empty stomach the next morning. Consume it to cure diabetes without medicine.

17. Onion 

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

An animal study on rabbits showed that dried onion powder may have a potential blood sugar-reducing activity (anti-hyperglycaemic). Another study on rats showed that a bioactive compound present in onion might have a blood glucose-reducing effect. In yet another study conducted on victims with diabetes, the blood sugar-lowering potential of onion juice was noted. However, more research is required to prove the effects of diabetes home remedies Ayurveda might have to offer. please consult an Ayurvedic physician before using any herbal supplement or remedy. Consume it to cure diabetes without medicine.

19. Bel 

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

Bel also called Bengal quince or Bilva is exactly referred to as Aegle marmelos. Studies showed that the leaves of the bel tree might have the potential to reduce the sugar, urea, and cholesterol in the blood. It might also help to control the sudden hike in blood sugar that usually generates after eating food. However, more studies are needed to prove the effects of such a natural cure for diabetes. Please do not consume it without consulting a doctor. It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

Manage Diabetes Through Naturopathy Treatments

Cure Diabetes Without Medicine

The followings are some of the methods:

20. Increase Fibre consumption

It has been proved through many studies that foods that are rich in high fiber content slow down the release of glucose from food. Such foods are whole fruit, vegetables, and beans. It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

21. Preventing Mineral Deficiencies

Several people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are also suffered from deficiencies in minerals such as chromium and magnesium. Food items such as Broccoli, Kale, chard, collard greens, and chard are rich sources of these minerals. Though whole grains, peas, beans, seeds, and nuts can be consumed to correct these mineral deficiencies. It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

 22. Avoid the White Stuff:

Processed or white grains and sugars result in blood sugar levels and insulin levels increase, which further leads to insulin resistance and weight add. Avoiding or restricting these “white” products such as white bread, white rice, potatoes, white sugar, and white pasta, can help you in preventing insulin levels and blood sugar levels from increasing. It helps to cure diabetes without medicine.

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